
Sharing knowledge and giving back to the community is part of my life.
  • polyglot4web, BG

    Crafting a Polymorphic React Component Library with TypeScript and Tailwind CSS

    Let's discover the art of creating a reusable and customizable polymorphic React component library with TypeScript and Tailwind CSS. Learn the benefits of using TypeScript for improved type-checking and documentation. Unleash the power of Tailwind CSS to craft a consistent design system.

  • polyglot4web, BG

    Migrating from Bootstrap to Tailwind CSS with JavaScript & React

    How did we migrate from Bootstrap to Tailwind? We will go step by step to the migration journey we went through with one of our clients regarding their customer-facing web application. We will go through: our migration strategy and the why behind it; some of the failures we had and the lessons we have learned from them; some anti-patterns and some good practices from our own experience and point of view.

  • meet.js Summit, Poland

    Crafting a Polymorphic React Component Library with TypeScript and Tailwind CSS

    Let's discover the art of creating a reusable and customizable polymorphic React component library with TypeScript and Tailwind CSS. Learn the benefits of using TypeScript for improved type-checking and documentation. Unleash the power of Tailwind CSS to craft a consistent design system.

  • JS Summit '23

    Building a Polymorphic React Component Library with TypeScript and Tailwind CSS

    Let's discover the art of creating a reusable and customizable polymorphic React component library with TypeScript and Tailwind CSS. Learn the benefits of using TypeScript for improved type-checking and documentation. Unleash the power of Tailwind CSS to craft a consistent design system.

  • DEV.BG Lecture

    Building a robust GraphQL API with TypeScript, DDD and Clean Architecture

    Building software for small businesses is not easy. Learn how to leverage the power of DDD and Clean Architecture principles with a GraphQL API as a unified umbrella on top of all subdomains to create a scalable and maintainable system. We will discover the importance of modularization and subdomain organization. We will explore how to better design and build our API around the business domain. We will see a layered approach to structuring our modules.

  • API Forum'23

    Building a robust GraphQL API with TypeScript, DDD and Clean Architecture

    Building software for small businesses is not easy. Learn how to leverage the power of DDD and Clean Architecture principles with a GraphQL API as a unified umbrella on top of all subdomains to create a scalable and maintainable system. We will discover the importance of modularization and subdomain organization. We will explore how to better design and build our API around the business domain. We will see a layered approach to structuring our modules.

  • WSAS'23

    Building Enterprise-grade GraphQL APIs with Domain-Driven Design and Clean Architecture

    In this talk, we will explore how to build scalable and maintainable GraphQL APIs for enterprise applications using Domain-Driven Design and Clean Architecture patterns. We will discuss the importance of modularizing your API around the business domain and better subdomain organization as resonating with our architectural quality attributes. We will go through the problems we are trying to solve with this architecture, such as handling complex business domains and achieving maintainability and scalability. We will cover the key components of a GraphQL API, including resolvers, domain layer, and database layer. Finally, we will demonstrate how to write effective tests to ensure the quality of your GraphQL API.

  • SoftUni Seminar

    Migrating from Bootstrap to Tailwind CSS with JavaScript & React

    This workshop will cover how to migrate the client-side part of a client web application from Bootstrap to Tailwind CSS: JavaScript and React will be used; It will go step by step through the migration; It will be seen what architectural solutions were considered and why, as well as their advantages and disadvantages; What mistakes can be made and what can be learned from them will be discussed; Finally, several anti-patterns and good practices will be considered from the perspective of the lecturer and his experience.

  • <React Global>'22

    Bootstrap to Tailwind and Beyond

    How did we migrate from Angular to React & Bootstrap and then from Bootstrap to Tailwind? We will go step by step to the migration journey we went through with one of our clients regarding their customer-facing web application. We will go through: our migration strategy and the why behind it; some of the failures we had and the lessons we have learned from them; some anti-patterns and some good practices from our own experience and point of view.

  • Sofia University, FMI

    Ups & Downs with Parknshare. Lessons Learned.

    The purpose of the presentation is to share my (un)successful experience as being open, honest, vulnerable and showing there's nothing bad with failing. This talk was part of the "Life as an Entrepreneur" classes held at the Faculty of Informatics and Mathematics, Sofia University.